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Motivation and Microblogging

What’s your mission whenever you login into any microblogging site ? Do you ever have a sense of duty to your subscribers/followers and friends whenever you are sending out those messages? Let us put this way: what were your aims when you registerd an accounrt on that site? Was it:

  1. To make friends or to maintain the online relationships that you have?
  2. To solve people’s problems?
  3. To promote some blog, website, product or service?
  4. To just check out what the service had to offer?
  5. To seriously spam or troll on the network (a serious #failure)?

Anyway, this article is not about that but on the little bright moments every microblogger experiences on any microblog.


Do you remember the very first days after setting up your account on, say Twitter? Fresh faced with some subscriptions and NIL followers? It seemed quite strange when posting a message which you knew no one was listening to; all against the nagging thought at the back of your mind which was saying, “You are wasting your time here. No one is listening, buddy.”

What about that day when you saw that you had gained some few subscribers? You were over the roof. In your excitement you were ready to "fungua roho" (open up your heart literally) and share as much as you can with your new followers. This excitement is not only felt by the newest signups on the site only. Believe you me, I have followed people who seemed to have neglected their accounts but afterwards they came back and started posting again. It’s like they just saw that they had gained some new followers and felt the need to at least start taking their “networking” seriously.

On another note, are you obsessed (I’ve lacked a better word for this) with the number of followers/subscribers you have gained recently? You are not alone. I confess that on many occasions I usually visit Twitter, or Nairobi-stique for that matter, just to see how many followers I’ve gained. That’s not bad at all. It’s human nature to feel appreciated whenever you know someone is listening.


The #NewTwitter puts it well: @Mentions. The link’s description is: “all the tweets in which you are mentioned.” Anyway, here is the main point: @replies on any microblogging site do stimulate conversations. It’s quite motivating to see someone has “@replied” you. By the way, some microbloggers do not like it when someone fails to reply to their posts. Some even drop/unfollow those who never respond.

NB: Some microblogging sites have comments for their replies.


Has someone ever repeated/retweeted your post? How did you feel? It sure feels great whenever you see someone has repeated one of your messages.

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