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Arranged Meetings in Social Networking Sites

Here is a set of actions that any person on any social network follows through, whether consciously or out of a habit:

  1. Login into the site
  2. Check out whether any friend/follower is logged in at the same time. (The user will not nudge the friend/follower into a conversation at this stage since they are clueless on what they will say)
  3. Check out notifications and messages in the mailbox. If there is nothing, stage 4 kicks in,
  4. Browse through the most recent comments from friends/followers so as to get some "seed" for a conversation,
  5. If there are no noteworhty comments, the user will then browse for something notable from persons without his/her friends network. This is so as to get something to talk about. Once they get it then,
  6. They can nudge that friend into engaging in a conversation.
It is mostly at stage 5 where many identify persons who they can turn into friends or follow. Now let's say that you have time limits or little money and you want to meet with that friend. The truth is that it would be very frustating, once you have got into the site, to see that your friend is not in  at the same time. And after sifting through the site for other people to talk with, you can end up wasting some precious time and money. What if we practiced ...

Arranged Meetings

How would that turn out to be? What if we arranged with some of our friends to meet at the same time on a particular social network? Wouldn't that be cost-effective in some way? Wouldn't it give a meaning to the word "virtual conversations"? This would be highly appropriate for chat sessions and...

Microblogging Sites

Since the microblogging concept is built on the notion of encouraging people to send out short messages to each other thus encouraging conversations, arranged meetings are workable. Additionally, with the argument that the microblogging concept is a likely alternative to E-mail, arranged meetings can allow the dispatching of private, direct messages on a real-time basis.

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