Who are these Followers Anyway
If you've been on Twitter for some time you must know about the rather annoying tactic used by some #tweeps to get you to follow them; they just pop up one day as a follower and if you do not respond they #unfollow you the next day. This is NOT right. Since the time KMS joined the site, this site's profile has had almost 10 such people. Just following and unfollowing. BTW, on the very first day, right after signing up to the site, KMS gained one follower immediately. But I really did not respond and 2 days later he was gone. The funny thing is that some of this people are engaged in some what totally different areas of interest from what this site is focused in. I know many of my fellow tweeps have experienced this too. Share your experience here too; may be you might enlighten some campus guy who is just about to get into #tweeting.
What's your take on this?